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Why you shouldn’t scrimp on office cleaning services

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If you run an office, there is one vital service you cannot manage without. And that is office cleaning services. After the recession a lot of companies tried cutting back on cleaners to save money. It may have made sense at the time, but now these same companies are returning to office cleaning firms in their droves. Here’s why… Office cleaning services ensure your company property is in shipshape A lot of companies figured that instead of employing professional cleaning services, they’d ask staff to clean their own areas. At first this seemed to work. But over time the problems with this approach become clear. The desks were clean, but the floor was not. Things like phones and screens that need detailed cleaning started to look filthy. Worse, areas like the coffee and kitchen areas began to get in such as state they no longer met food or health and safety standards. Many firms also realised that asking someone they paid £10-£25 an hour to do the cleaning did not make economic sense. Why? Because the time they spent cleaning simply was not productive. To maintain a high standard of office cleanliness they needed professional help. And of course, most office cleaning services charge far less than that per hour. Professional cleaners are more efficient, and take a lot less time to clean the same area. As a result, many firms are now re-employing contractor cleaners. For further information on office cleaning services, either fill out form to the right or call us to discuss what we can offer today…