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Private security personnel for your summer event – a customer’s opinion

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When I held a fundraising event last summer, I decided that the best way to avoid any problems was to hire private security personnel. At first I worried I would not be able to afford such a service, but the cost was a lot less than I thought it would be. And ultimately the service proved incredibly valuable. Reducing the Risks and Protecting the Public The event I held was open to the public, which meant anything could potentially happen. The youths in our area are pretty well behaved, but there are always those who like to cause trouble. I’d had bad experiences with fights breaking out the previous summer, and so didn’t want to take my chances again. Contacting a firm offering private security personnel was a great move – they were professional and more than happy to help. All of the experienced security team members were pleasant and willing. I made sure that I hired from a company who trained and vetted all their staff. As there were children present I also hired the personnel from a company who had all of their personnel CRB checks, so I had complete peace of mind. Great security guards for a fantastic summer event The event went off without any problems. A couple of the local teens did try to cause trouble, but these incidents had been dealt with quietly before I was even aware they had happened. The low cost of the private security personnel was well worth it. I shall definitely be using them again this year. For further information about private security personnel, either fill out form to the right or call us to discuss what we can offer today…